by Alex

I woke up in this small bag, together with millions of my brothers and sisters, still wondering what it would feel like to go outside and live like one of you. Ever since I was created, I have drawn a plan in my head to get out of this situation. I don’t want to be like my siblings – waiting for “The Hand” to poke inside the bag and grab them firmly to finally gain their freedom. No, not me!

One day, while the sun is up, I saw a tiny hole. It was actually big enough for me to fit in. I took the chance of leaving. I took the risk. It was successful! I was finally outside!

The wind, then, blew me to a farm. There, I met a cow. I was guessing its name was Bessie because it’s what was written on her name tag. I asked her for directions but the cow treated me like I wasn’t there.  She ignored me!

Nearby, I saw a kid walking. I went in that direction to ask that kid where I am, but the kid acted like the cow. He didn’t notice me! 

Then I saw the kid irritating a bird on a perch. The kid went away before I even got closer. I went to the bird and asked if she was okay. ‘Still didn’t notice me!

I felt really sad. Then I realized that perhaps to them, I’m just a speck – tiny and worthless.

It was Christmas and all the children hugged their brothers and sisters. I wish I could hug my brothers and sisters, too! But they are all still in Neverland. I decided to go back inside the tiny bag to see my brothers and sisters.

My siblings hugged me while asking all these questions - why I left, how I got back, and other stuff.  They were happy to see me back in the bag. We celebrated all night long.

The next day, I got picked up by "The Hand" and got thrown on Wendy. Suddenly, Wendy felt lighter and began to fly.  I realized now what happened to my siblings who got picked by “The Hand!” We can make people fly!

Wendy felt so happy to fly. I was, too.

To you, I may be just a speck, but to Wendy and my other friends in Neverland, I know that I am more. I am so happy to know that I’m not worthless at all.

Can You Guess What I Am?

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All contents are copyrighted by Alex From Down Under

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